
Website Design Project: Hyershala Yoga Studio

Project Overview  

Hyershala is a yoga studio based in Embrun, Canada, offering services both online and at their studio for everyone. Their mission is to help individuals connect with their body and mind. Our role was to reimagine Hyershala’s website, creating a responsive, clean, and professional platform that communicates its core value proposition.


Hyershala needed a website that would reflect its philosophy of self-discovery and provide a transformative experience for users. The existing site needed added functionality and aesthetic appeal necessary to engage users effectively. The challenge was to design a modern, user-friendly website that encouraged online interactions and payments.

Child’s Solution  

We set out to redesign Hyershala’s website with a focus on enhancing user experience and visual appeal. Our approach was to create a responsive design that not only looked professional but also resonated with the essence of Hyershala’s teachings and values. The new website offers seamless navigation and interactive features that would encourage users to engage more deeply with the content.

Design Language  

The design language of the new website centers on simplicity and tranquillity, reflecting the peaceful ethos of yoga practice. Soft colour palettes, ample white space, and serene imagery were used to create a calm and inviting atmosphere. The typography was chosen for its readability and elegance, contributing to a professional yet approachable look.

Website Creation  

The new Hyershala website was designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices. Key features included a user login system, an interactive platform for accessing yoga sessions, and a secure payment portal. The layout was structured to guide users effortlessly through the site, highlighting key information about classes, instructors, and the studio’s philosophy.


